Brazilian Workshop on Agile Methods (WBMA)
The Brazilian Workshop on Agile Methods (in Portuguese, Workshop Brasileiro de Métodos Ágeis — WBMA) is part of Agile Brazil, the biggest conference on Agile Methods in Brazil.
WBMA is an academic event inside a professional community event. That is a great idea. It promotes interaction between academics and software developers.
WBMA happens since 2011. In 2017 we have had its 8th edition. According to the proceedings of this 8th edition (that will be available soon): “The papers present empirical studies on agile values and principles; agile practices; agile adoption; agile testing and quality; metrics; conceptual studies; cultural aspects on agile business; organizational transformation and future trends.”
I post below links to the proceedings of all editions up to now. Some proceedings contain papers written in Portuguese. 2015 was the first year with English-only papers.